Add the Live Support chat widget to your website and start talking to customers in minutes. Live chat gives you brand a voice and let you talk to customers in real-time.
Live Chat is a fast and direct way for customers to get support in real time with a real person. Customers are 3 times more likely to make a purchase when your reach out with a chat, and 87% of customers require some type of live support when making a transaction online. Create proactive campaigns using LiveSupport to reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions.
The ability for a customer to be on the go while also resolving an issue using their SMS app leaves a positive perception of a company. Texting in the sales process can leave to conversion gains of more than 100%, and 52% of customers would prefer texting customer support over their current preferred form of communication!
LiveSupport offers competitive pricing with advanced features. Whether you are a small business that only requires 2 agents or a large enterprise that needs many, offers a plan that will meet the needs of your company and your customers. Offer SMS texting communication options in addition to web-based live chat and beat your competition in customer service, customer retention, and conversions!